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Are you ready to awaken your shamanic soul?


Respected kamasqa curandero Oscar Miro-Quesada teaches shamanism as a tradition of healing, power, and wisdom that sees all life as interconnected and sacred in SHAMANISM: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation, the seventh book in the exciting Common Sentience book series.


You must live the path to understand it. Explore the shamanic art of a noble death, becoming a hollow bone, traveling through the three worlds, and how to embrace the imaginal beauty of a living, sentient, and ever-evolving cosmos.


SHAMANISM is the medicine our world needs for seven generations and beyond.


In Stephanie's story, "Snakeskins and Rabbit Tales" (which you can find on page 145) she talks about how a snake and a rabbit came to her on the same day with clear guidance and medicine during one of the most intense shamanic death and rebirth periods of her life.

Your purchase includes a signed copy with a personalized inscription from Stephanie!


Find out more about this book here

Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation

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