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I offer resources, products and programs designed to support empaths and spiritual seekers on their path of awakening and evolution.

Products range from books to video home study programs, workbooks to meditations, and more. Each item is created to give you loving support, opportunities for self-reflection and growth, practical tools to use every day, and treasured friends.

Be sure to
subscribe to my mailing list to stay informed of all the latest offerings.

Empath Activation Cards: Discover Your Cosmic Purpose

A full-color 44-card oracle deck and guidebook to activate your light codes, raise your frequency, and awaken to your cosmic mission. (Artwork also created by Stephanie!)

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5-time award-winner! This is a powerful oracle which can be used as a self-guided initiation into the mysteries of higher consciousness! The artwork is for sale, too!
Find out more!

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The Evolutionary Empath: A Practical Guide for Heart-Centered Consciousness

A guide for empaths seeking to understand their unique nature, fully manifest their gifts, and embrace their role in the evolution of human consciousness. 

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Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature & Creation

Explore the shamanic art of a noble death, becoming a hollow bone, traveling through the three worlds, and how to embrace the imaginal beauty of a living, sentient, & ever-evolving cosmos. 

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#1 Best-seller! Anchored by Don Oscar Miro-Quesada and part of the Common Sentience series. See my chapter Snake-skins & Rabbit Tales on pg. 145.

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Animals: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals

Soar with 35+ sacred storytellers as we share personal tales of spirit animals appearing to us in real life, dreams, or symbolically, to share their mystical yet practical medicine. 

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#1 Best-seller!
Anchored by Dr. Steven Farmer and part of the Common Sentience series. See my chapter Owl Muse on pg. 125.

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The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Volume 2 - Clearance sale!

Learn from 25 holistic health practitioners, coaches, and healers (including myself) who specialize in unique and powerful modalities for peak mind, body, and soul wellness. Practical exercises included! 


#1 international best-seller and part of a series of four.
See my chapter Voice Dialogue: Talk to Your Pain.

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The Art and Practice of Energetic Clearing: Tools and Techniques for Cleansing Self, Space and Stuff

Learn to clear your own energy field, a room, home, or sacred objects. This video course will introduce you to a wide variety of tools and how to use them!

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Self-paced video home study program with 11 easy-to-digest modules, handouts (including 3  bonuses), and fun facts

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Empath Support Meditations

To fully express our unique brilliance, we need a variety of tools and practices to manage our sensitivities. These meditations give you access to greater calm, boundaries, clarity, and the funda-mental skills of grounding, centering, and clearing. 

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Empath meditation set: 6 guided practices designed specifically for empaths (hosted by Sacred Stories)

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A variety of meditations from connecting with the divine masculine to clearing your chakras, designed for daily use
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Meditations for Every Day


Aren't there times when you just want someone else to guide you so you can surrender completely to the experience? That's why I created M.E.D.s, so you can relax, not have to think, and allow yourself to just be in receiving mode. 

Chaos to Clarity: Sacred Stories of Trans-formational Change - Clearance Sale!

Real people. Real pain. Real healing. Real transfor-mation. Witness challenges that people from around the world faced head-on, and how, through their adversity, they became stronger and happier. 

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#1 international best-seller, foreword by Dr. Bernie Siegel. Read my story Time to Get Out on page 185.

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The Embodiment How-To Manual and Workbook

How "in your body" are you? What kicks you out of your body? Do you use spiritual bypass to cope? How do you harness more of your life force energy? Discover all the secrets of embodiment!

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A 50-plus page PDF work-book with assessments, teachings, interactive questions, and room for notes (plus the option of a 45-min private session with me!)
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Smudge Fans & Medicine Pieces

Once or twice a year I make batches of smudge fans and medicine pieces. I allow the feathers, fur, crystals, and other elements to speak to me and

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determine which pieces want to be paired together in unique combination. Made with love and reverence.

One-of-a-kind ceremonial tools designed to support you powerfully

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Free Stuff!

Watch instructional videos such as using a pendulum and a 5-minute power foot routine, plus other free stuff. Find out more!

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